Sergent at Arms for the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 40, Bill Wood, right, stands with fellow veterans Jim DeMarce, middle, and Murray Grandy, left, as they honour the newly marked graves of World War I and World War II veterans on Nov. 21 at the Lakeview Cemetary.

Sergent at Arms for the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 40, Bill Wood, right, stands with fellow veterans Jim DeMarce, middle, and Murray Grandy, left, as they honour the newly marked graves of World War I and World War II veterans on Nov. 21 at the Lakeview Cemetary.

Soldiers graves marked in ceremony

Gone but not forgotten, unmarked soldier’s graves now have headstones honouring their service.

  • Nov. 25, 2014 6:00 p.m.

Gone but not forgotten, unmarked soldier’s graves now have headstones honouring their service.

The graves of 10 soldiers from The First and Second World Wars were honoured by local veterans with a service by the Royal Candian Legion Branch 40 on Nov. 21 at Lakeview Cemetery. The unmarked plots were found and verified through the Last Post Fund, in association with Veterans Affairs Canada, an organization which ensures every Canadian soldier is given a funeral, burial and a headstone honouring their service.

“They (Last Post Fund) located these ones for us and we found 10 of them,” said Bill Wood, Sgt. At Arms with the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 40.

The graves of First World War veterans Joseph Smith, Pvt. Edward Hill, Pvt. James Kerr, Sgt. Frederick Keble, Lt. Harold McDonald, Pvt. John Reed, Cpl. Andrew Farquharson and Chief Engineer Alexander McLeod were marked alongside Second World War Veterans Sgt. David Hackney and Aircraftman Second Class Vernon Glauser.

“Maybe they had no family or no money or whatever it might of been.” said Wood.

“They’re finally marked and we’ve come to honour the fact that they were soldiers and buried without markings.”



Penticton Western News