A crew from Columbia Steel Fabricating and Welding was on site at the Trail Sk8Park early Thursday morning installing a handrail around one of the park’s viewpoints. The fencing is still up and the park is not open. City staff and contractors are finalizing a few details such as sign installation and tree removal. The new landmark is slated to open by month-end, but first, the fencing must come down from the perimeter and be removed.

A crew from Columbia Steel Fabricating and Welding was on site at the Trail Sk8Park early Thursday morning installing a handrail around one of the park’s viewpoints. The fencing is still up and the park is not open. City staff and contractors are finalizing a few details such as sign installation and tree removal. The new landmark is slated to open by month-end, but first, the fencing must come down from the perimeter and be removed.

Sparks fly at Trail Sk8 Park

Construction began on the long awaited skate park in mid-July; soft launch is near


Trail Times

Construction began on the long awaited skate park in mid-July; soft launch is near

Trail Daily Times