Volunteers at the Sparwood Food Bank take in donations. Photo Submitted

Volunteers at the Sparwood Food Bank take in donations. Photo Submitted

Sparwood Food Bank ready for holiday season

Donations to the Sparwood Food Bank have been "wonderful this holiday season," according to food bank president Tami Chechotko.

  • Dec. 17, 2019 12:00 a.m.

Donations to the Sparwood Food Bank have been “wonderful this holiday season,” according to food bank president Tami Chechotko.

Two major fundraising and food gathering events in the last couple of weeks have put the food bank in a good position to provide for families this holiday season. The Sparwood Emergency Services door-to-door food drive and the CP Holiday Train both raised considerable funds for the food bank.

“The Emergency Services food drive was wonderfully successful, filling all of the emergency vehicles, fire trucks, EMS trucks and many half-ton trucks with food and toy donations,” said Chechotko. “And the CP Holiday Train raised over 800lbs of food.”

Chechotko added that “there have been a number of groups that have done special projects on our behalf including the elementary school and the secondary school.”

Since the holidays are a difficult season for many people, including some residents of Sparwood, the donations to the food bank are very much appreciated. The Sparwood Food Bank will be delivering over 100 Christmas hampers to those in need this year.

According to Chechotko, “the winter tends to see an increase in overall usage of the food bank.” She added that this will be the first winter of their food share program and that “it will be interesting to see if this helps our clients have a healthier winter.”

Sparwood Food Share will be open during the holidays from 10:30 to 11:00 a.m. weekdays except for Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and New Year’s Day for food bank clients. Speaking to the overall support for this food bank this winter, Chechotko said “We would like to thank the Sparwood citizens for their generosity during this season.” She also gave a special mention to Teck, CP Rail, Sparwood Fire, Sparwood Search and Rescue, BC Ambulance Service, BC RCMP and Cadets.

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