The Special Olympics BC Burns Lake group has changed the way they do things due to COVID but haven’t stopped their practices. Last week, athletes Danny Tress and Josh Waters did some hill running, quick starts, sprints, running through the finish line, and then got to try their hand at using other sports equipment with another volunteer, Chris Paulson, while in snowshoes at the LDSS field. According to Tina Giesbrecht, their coach, it was their “try it” day when two athletes from the group would get to try cross country skiing and/or snowshoeing with Paulson. Due to COVID restrictions, the group would be allowed to do such practice sessions with just the coach, two athletes and a volunteer. (Tina Giesbrecht photo/Lakes District News)
Burns Lake Lakes District News

Danny Tress and Josh Waters did some hill running, quick starts, sprints, running through the finish line, and then got to try their hand at using other sports equipment with another volunteer, Chris Paulson, while in snowshoes at the LDSS field. (Christina Giesbrecht photo/Lakes District News)

Danny Tress and Josh Waters did some hill running, quick starts, sprints, running through the finish line, and then got to try their hand at using other sports equipment with another volunteer, Chris Paulson, while in snowshoes at the LDSS field. (Christina Giesbrecht photo/Lakes District News)

Danny Tress and Josh Waters did some hill running, quick starts, sprints, running through the finish line, and then got to try their hand at using other sports equipment with another volunteer, Chris Paulson, while in snowshoes at the LDSS field. (Christina Giesbrecht photo/Lakes District News)

Danny Tress and Josh Waters did some hill running, quick starts, sprints, running through the finish line, and then got to try their hand at using other sports equipment with another volunteer, Chris Paulson, while in snowshoes at the LDSS field. (Christina Giesbrecht photo/Lakes District News)