In the past month, the North Cowichan/Duncan RCMP have seen thefts from vehicle incidents more then triple.
In almost every instance the vehicles involved were left unlocked, according to a press release.
The areas hardest hit have been residential areas in Duncan, north of Trunk Road.
Another area hit hard is in North Cowichan, north of Tzouhalem Road.
These crimes are not limited to these areas and are being committed throughout Duncan and North Cowichan.
The suspects have reportedly been seen checking vehicle doors and entering those they find unlocked.
“These are crimes of opportunity that can be prevented with the community’s help,” said RCMP Cpl. Cari Lougheed.
“Please ensure all parked and unoccupied vehicles are locked and valuables are out of view.”
Lougheed said RCMP officers have increased patrols in the effected areas making efforts to locate and arrest the suspects.
“Community members can also assist in catching those responsible for these thefts by watching for suspicious activities and reporting them to the police when they see them happening,” she said.
For more tips on how to prevent thefts from vehicles, visit the BC RCMP preventing theft from and of vehicles page.
If you see anything suspicious or you believe your vehicle has been entered and items stolen, please call the North Cowichan/Duncan RCMP at 250-748-5522