Families playing with a giant bubble mixture and wands made at the first Squam Bay Play Group get together on June 19 at the Squam Bay Hall.(Adrienne Pullen photo)

Families playing with a giant bubble mixture and wands made at the first Squam Bay Play Group get together on June 19 at the Squam Bay Hall.(Adrienne Pullen photo)

Squam Bay Play Group now up and running

Yellowhead Community Services Early Years Program launches program in Squam Bay Hall

A new program for families in the Barriere area is up and running thanks to Yellowhead Community Services and their Early Years Program. This is the Squam Bay Play Group, a new family drop-in program and is funded by the YCS Early Years Program.

“Through community research and grass roots connections, we learned that there is once again a growing population of families with children under the age of six living in the Squam Bay/Heffley Louis Creek Valley,” said Barriere Early Years Service Provider and Family Support Worker Adrienne Pullen, “The Squam Bay Community Club was more than happy to allow YCS the use of their community center that was built in 1917 and still remains a vibrant part of the valley’s community. We had our first Squam Bay Play Group on June 19, and we are planning to host the Play Group 12 times throughout the calendar year.”

The play group is open to all and especially to new families. The upcoming drop-in dates for 2019 will be: Wednesdays from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. on the following dates; July 10 and 31, Aug. 28, Sept. 11, Oct. 2, and 23, Nov. 6, and Dec. 4.

This play group will continue to run on a monthly basis year round and dates will be posted on the Yellowhead Community Services Facebook page.

“Another new Weekly Family Drop-in has also been running since April of this year on Tuesday afternoons from 12:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. in the YCS pre-school room at The Ridge (4936 Barriere Town Road) in Barriere,” says Pullen, We are pleased to share that we are able to run this drop-in on a weekly basis throughout the entire year including summer vacation. Come join us in some free play, crafts, fun in the sun, and more.”

For more information on Early Years Programs in Barriere and Area contact Adrienne Pullen at Yellowhead Community Services by calling 250-672-9773.

Find out more: www.yellowheadcs.ca

Barriere Star Journal