Stay out of evacuation zones: RCMP

Accessing areas by boat included in warning to stay away

  • Aug. 16, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Vernon North Okanagan RCMP and local governments are reminding people to stay out of the evacuation zones, including those travelling by boat. (RCMP)

Mounties and local governments are reminding evacuees and curious onlookers to stay out of wildfire evacuation zones, including those travelling by boat.

“This includes accessing evacuated areas by boat which is not only unsafe for you but could potentially delay or impede aircraft assigned with fire suppression efforts,” Vernon North Okanagan RCMP said in a social media post.

The Central Okanagan Emergency Operations, too, is reminding residents to leave if ordered to evacuate.

“Please leave immediately to allow crews to focus on fire suppression,” the statement from the District of Central Okanagan’s EOC reads.

“Last night, the fire rescue boat needed to be pulled off fire suppression duties to rescue people who had not left the Killiney area.”

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