Storms in November and December left their mark on the Parksville Community Park.
In December, city officials noted issues at the Arbutus Point erosion protection site, near the old hovercraft landing in the park. In January, city crews will add large rock fill on Arbutus Point to ensure the anchored erosion protection logs are well protected and stabilized.
In August 2017, significant protection had already been completed at Arbutus Point. The recent damage noted last month was caused by storms in November and December, where a combination of wave heights (recorded 2.8 metres at Sentry Shoal) and tide levels (recorded at Point Atkinson) caused most of this damage.
READ MORE: Parksville wraps up shore restoration at Arbutus Point
The damage is considered minor and will be remedied by adding dumped rock fill or rip rap.
The work will not involve any excavation or placing equipment in the foreshore. Protection will be completed within the reduced-risk fisheries window (from Dec. 1 through to Feb. 15), with a self assessment required by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. The recently amended Fisheries Act allows the city to maintain this area.
There is no danger to the public.
— NEWS Staff, submitted