Truckloads of fallen branches being hauled after a windstorm (Black Press Media files)

Truckloads of fallen branches being hauled after a windstorm (Black Press Media files)

Strong winds expected to hit north, west Vancouver Island: Environment Canada

Environment Canada said southeast winds will reach speeds of 70 to 90 kilometres per hour

  • Dec. 8, 2018 12:00 a.m.

Residents on parts of Vancouver Island are being told to brace for strong winds through the weekend.

In a special weather statement Saturday morning, Environment Canada said southeast winds will reach speeds of 70 to 90 kilometres per hour overnight in western and northern communities, as an approaching frontal system moves towards the Lower Mainland.

Damage to buildings, such as to roof shingles and windows, may occur. Loose objects may be tossed by the wind and cause injury or damage.

Winds are expected to ease Sunday as the system weakens, the national forecaster said.

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Nanaimo News Bulletin