Five-year-old Ben Hague (right) and four-year-old Mina Nadeau, both with the North Okanagan Child Care Society, link hands and sing along with Angela Roy of Expression Collective at the Be the Change Earth Day festivities at Ellison Elementary Tuesday.

Five-year-old Ben Hague (right) and four-year-old Mina Nadeau, both with the North Okanagan Child Care Society, link hands and sing along with Angela Roy of Expression Collective at the Be the Change Earth Day festivities at Ellison Elementary Tuesday.

Students celebrate the Earth

Ellison Elementary hosts students from Vernon schools at Be the Change event

Vernon kids dig Earth Day.

Elementary students from across the Vernon school district united at Ellison Elementary Tuesday to take part in the Be the Change Earth Day festivities.

Hundreds grooved to the sounds of local band Expression Collective and were also treated to a performance from preschoolers at the North Okanagan Child Care Society.

There was opportunity to take part in numerous activities, from a log-rolling obstacle course to rock painting and bird feeders made from recycled goods.

Homemade soup and Cobb’s bread was served for lunch as Kiki the Eco Elf entertained.

Then there were shared stories of sustainability in your backyard and caring for Mother Earth.

Vernon Morning Star