Summerland business directory enhanced

The Summerland Chamber of Commerce has updated its website to enhance the business directory.

The Summerland Chamber of Commerce has updated its website to enhance the business directory.

The website, at, has information about the chamber and the community.

The business directory is well used, with more than 400 hits each day.

Christine Petkau, manager of the chamber, said the changes to the site have improved the directory.

“The new website has been designed to reflect the diversity and excellence of our business community and the professionalism of our organization and includes many visual elements as well as a comprehensive business directory showcasing our 700 members,” she said.

The Summerland Chamber is the third largest chamber in the Okanagan Valley, behind Kelowna and Kamloops.

There are more than 700 chamber members.

All businesses with a valid business license are included in the chamber membership.

Petkau said a comprehensive directory and a strong chamber website will help Summerland businesses.

In addition, the site will help to promote local shopping, since people can find which businesses carry the products or provide the services they need.

“Local shopping is so important,” she said. “Most things a buyer can want could be found locally.”

In addition to the comprehensive business directory, Petkau said the new website is visually appealing and has a clean, modern look.

The site was launched in the middle of last week.


Summerland Review