Summerland mayor Toni Boot is suggesting a code of ethics for elected municipal officials. (John Arendt - Summerland Review)

Summerland mayor considers code of ethics for elected officials

Union of B.C. Municipalities has identified problem throughout province

Now that the municipality is creating a code of ethics for municipal staff, Summerland Mayor Toni Boot said council will consider a similar code of ethics for elected officials.

Boot said the Union of B.C. Municipalities has recognized the lack of a council code of ethics as a problem throughout the province.

The Federation of Canadian Municipalities has also spoken of the need for a code of ethics for elected officials.

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She said the province is working on legislating a code of conduct for municipal governments.

Issues around the conduct of elected officials have arisen in other British Columbia communities.

A meme posted by a North Cowichan municipal councillor came under investigation earlier this year.

The meme, posted by Coun. Tek Manhas, was considered sexist.

“A post of this nature does not meet the standard council is aspiring to, related to its workplace,” a release from North Cowachin administrator Ted Swabey’s office stated.

In addition, Barry Neufeld, a Chilliwack school trustee has come under fire because of his behaviour and statements.

At least two petitions have been created to remove him from his position.

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