SKATEBOARD FACILITYSummerland’s new skatepark, which was completed earlier this spring, replaces the former skateboarding facility, which was constructed in 1996 at a cost of $70,000.(John Arendt/Summerland Review)

SKATEBOARD FACILITYSummerland’s new skatepark, which was completed earlier this spring, replaces the former skateboarding facility, which was constructed in 1996 at a cost of $70,000.(John Arendt/Summerland Review)

Summerland Skatepark cost eight times more than previous facility

New skatepark cost $600,000; earlier park in 1996 cost $70,000

The newly constructed Summerland Skatepark cost around $600,000 to construct, but the facility it replaces cost less than one-eighth that amount.

The former skateboarding facility, behind the Harold Simpson Memorial Youth Centre on Peach Orchard Road, had a price tag of $70,000 when it was constructed 23 years ago.

Work on the new facility began in the spring of that year and the facility was completed by September.

The skateboard park was around 700 square metres and for many years it was a popular venue among Summerland’s youth.

READ ALSO: Construction begins on Summerland skatepark

READ ALSO: VIDEO: Summerland Skatepark now open

The newly constructed park is more than 929 square metres and includes bowl and street features.

The older facility had lower ramps and did not have a deep bowl.

When the 1996 facility was constructed, the municipality of Summerland contributed $30,000.

The Summerland Kinsmen Club contributed $10,000 in cash and another $10,000 worth of construction equipment and labour.

The Summerland Lions Club provided, $10,000, the Summerland Credit Union added $5,000, the Summerland United Church gave $100 and members of the community also made contributions.

In addition, a group of teens in the community contributed to raising $1,000 for the park.

Now that the new park is in place, the municipality is considering decommissioning the old park and returning it to its original state.

Lori Mullin, Summerland’s manager of parks and recreation, said the estimated cost of decommissioning the park is $60,000.

The item will be considered for next year’s municipal budget.

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