The Kettle Valley Steam Railway will resume its operations on July 18. The tourist train will operated with a reduced schedule and physical distancing measures in place. (Summerland Review file photo)

The Kettle Valley Steam Railway will resume its operations on July 18. The tourist train will operated with a reduced schedule and physical distancing measures in place. (Summerland Review file photo)

Summerland steam train to begin operations

Reduced schedule, physical distancing planned for Kettle Valley Steam Railway beginning July 18

The sound of steam trains will return to Summerland as the Kettle Valley Steam Railway will resume its operations later this month.

The tourist train will begin its operating season on July 18 with a reduced schedule and with protocols in place to slow the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We’re cautiously excited. We encourage B.C. tourists and locals in particular to ride the train,” said Sharon Unrau, president of the railway society’s board of directors.

READ ALSO: Kettle Valley Steam Railway prepares to resume operations

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Normally, the steam train begins operations around Easter, with specialty trains during the Easter and Mother’s Day weekends, before beginning its full service during the May long weekend.

This year, because of the pandemic, the railway did not offer its services.

While Unrau and others involved with the railway are looking forward to welcoming passengers, the operations will be different this year.

The railway will have just one train a day on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays, at 10:30 a.m. In addition, physical distancing protocols will be in place, limiting the number of people who can ride on the tourist train.

Unrau said staff will spend time cleaning and sanitizing the train, in order to provide a safe experience for visitors.

The steam railway began its operations in September, 1995 and hosts around 30,000 passengers each year.

In January, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, organizers with the railway had been planning special events to mark the 25th anniversary of the train.

READ ALSO: Summerland railway bridge was constructed in 1913

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