The trail to Eva Lake in Mt. Revelstoke National Park. (File photo)

Summit hiking trails open for day trips again in Mt. Revelstoke National Park

Back country camping in the park remains closed due to extreme fire risk

  • Aug. 11, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The summit hiking trails at Mt. Revelstoke National Park will reopen again tomorrow, Aug. 12.

The Eva, Jade and Miller Lakes trail as well as back country camping sites were closed July 22 due to extreme fire risk. The trails will reopen, however, backcountry camping remains prohibited for the time being.

“While Mount Revelstoke and Glacier National Parks received some rain recently, conditions are still extremely dry,” said Parks Canada in a news release. “Warm and dry weather anticipated in the coming days will quickly return fire danger to high or extreme.”

The trails will be open for day-use, 8 a.m.-8:30 p.m.

Front-country camping is available at the Snowforest Campground in Mt. Revelstoke National Park and the Illecillewaet Campground in Glacier National Park.

The fire ban continues in the parks and across the province, as wildfires rage in the interior.

READ MORE: Another heat wave set to bake B.C., adding to wildfire concerns in southern regions

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