Prince Rupert Fire Rescue attended a second-story apartment fire in a residential building at 521 Fulton St. on the morning of April 11. (K-J Millar/The Northern View)

Sunday morning fire rouses tenants

Prince Rupert Fire Rescue attended an apartment fire at 521 Fulton St.

  • Apr. 11, 2021 12:00 a.m.

A fire broke out in an 11 unit residential apartment building at 521 Fulton St. just before 9 a.m. on April 11.

Prince Rupert Fire Rescue attended the fire in a second-story unit, where the tenant was reported to not have been at home.

Tenants of the building lined the streets with their pets bundled in arms visibly shaken and upset.

Rebecca Moore who has lived at the apartment building for just over three years told The Northern View that the fire alarm had been pulled a couple of times during the week in falsehood so tenants were slow to respond at first in evacuating the building.

“We were lucky to get out. Someone was pulling the fire alarm, and we all ignore it because we’re used to the false alarms, right. But this time there was smoke and one of the neighbours at the end of the hall was knocking on the door saying get out. It’s a real fire,” the tenant said.

Prince Rupert Fire Rescue was unavailable for comment at the time of publishing.

More to come

K-J Millar | Journalist

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