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Surrey Board of Trade bemoans ride sharing delays

The Vancouver Taxi Association is pursuing a judicial review concerning ride sharing

  • Nov. 1, 2019 12:00 a.m.

The Surrey Board of Trade is concerned that a judicial review concerning ride sharing, also known as ride hailing, that’s being pursued by the Vancouver Taxi Association will mean further delays to this transportation service.

Anita Huberman, CEO of the Surrey Board of Trade, noted that the Passenger Transportation Board sent a letter to ride sharing applicants warning them to expect delays on account of the review.

She said this “latest hurdle” could delay the launch of ridesharing to next year.

“Surrey needs ride sharing,” Huberman said. “Surrey needs transportation options in the face of continued delays for transit infrastructure.”

READ ALSO: Surrey Board of Trade calls for ‘level playing field’ for taxi industry, ride hailing

READ ALSO: ‘Ridiculous idea’: Surrey councillor slams mayor’s vow to deny ride-hailing licenses

She noted that the Surrey Board of Trade “has also advocated for a level playing field for the taxi industry” and maintains that “both industries can thrive together.

“Why must the implementation of ride sharing be so difficult? We’ve been waiting for the past 10 years,” Huberman said. “How can we attract business to Surrey, to our region, when we are the last urban jurisdiction that is without ridesharing as a transportation option?”

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