Surrey RCMP will be conducting CounterAttack road checks tonight. (File photo)

Surrey Mounties have eye out for drinking drivers, New Year’s Eve rule breakers

Hosting a gathering in opposition of COVID-19 rules can bring $2,300 fine

With just hours to go before New Year’s Eve festivities – such as they are this year, in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic – Surrey RCMP are reminding residents to make smart decisions as they say goodbye to 2020.

In a series of social media posts on Thursday afternoon, the RCMP noted that residents should “celebrate with your household members this year” while also adding the list of fines associated with breaking COVID-19 safety protocols; a fine for attending a party is $230, while the fine for hosting a gathering is $2,300.

“You and your guests getting COVID-19: NOT WORTH IT,” reads the post from the Surrey RCMP’s official Twitter account (@SurreyRCMP).

“Our COVID-19 Compliance and Enforcement Team will be out this New Year’s Eve, ensuring public health orders are being followed,” a follow-up post reads.

“If you’re hosting or attending a party with those outside your household you are in violation of the orders and can face fines.”

Additionally, the RCMP reminded drivers that CounterAttack road-checks will be in place across the city tonight.

“The tragedies that happen on our roads as a result of impaired driving haunt all those who respond to them, witness them, and the families who are faced to carry on day in and day out without their loved ones,” the statement reads, noting that revellers need to plan a safe ride home.

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