The B.C. Centre for Disease Control reported 1,698 new COVID-19 cases for Surrey from April 10 to 17, continuing the region’s upward trend.
New cases reported in Surrey have been increasing for the last nine reporting periods, from a low of 538 between Feb. 7 to 13.
The BCCDC releases a map each week, breaking down the new number of cases in municipalities, from the week prior.
Weekly cases have now surpassed record highs during the second wave in the fall, where Surrey recorded 1,588 Nov. 29 to Dec. 5, 2020.
While Surrey continues to report the most cases in B.C. each week, other Lower Mainland municipalities have seen fluctuating weekly case counts or a slow decline.
Vancouver wasn’t far off from Surrey’s case counts for a couple of weeks, with 1,012 in Vancouver and 1,153 in Surrey March 21 to 27 and 1,211 in Vancouver and 1,254 in Surrey March 28 to April 3. But the last two weeks has seen Vancouver level off and then decline with 1,297 cases April 4 to 10 and 1,060 April 11 to 17.
The BCCDC separates South Surrey/White Rock from the rest of the city, but there are fewer new cases reported each week as it’s a much smaller region.
April 11 to 17, there were 144 cases in the region compared to 159 cases for April 4 to 10 and 135 cases for March 28 to April 3.