If you got a local issue you’d like to vent about, why not send us a Rotten, sour grape? On the other hand, if you have a compliment, or would like to offer some praise, send us a Sweet, Similkameen grape?
We will publish your anonymous submission, as long as attacks on specific businesses and people are not made. Editor’s discretion will be exercised at all times.
Please send your submissions to:
Rotten sour grapes
Sweet Similkameen Grapes…..
Sour grapes
The pompous arrogance of inflated ego may be power enough to win and election, but it has no staying power; never endearing, it seeds the people’s contempt, and the consequent fall deflates.
Sour grapes
To the politicians unwilling to accept any responsibility for alleviating the itinerant farmworkers issues raised by residents of Keremeos at a recent council meeting. It’s not the village’s problem, but so far, they are the only ones acting.
Sweet grapes
When genuine altruism is one’s motivation to true civil service, one’s leadership is hailed by re-election, and success is measured in the bearing of communal good fruit: a case in point, our former Mayor and continuing civil servant, Walter Despot.
Sweet grapes
To the local participants in the BC Summer Games and the 2014 North American Indigenous Games for their outstanding performances.