Just in time for the long weekend, the swimming advisory at Rotary Beach has been lifted.
The warning was put in place Thursday afternoon after reported high levels of E. coli in the water. After further testing the beach now meets the Canadian guidelines for safety.
“Beach water quality can fluctuate due to a number of factors including lake currents, changing environmental factors, waterfowl, warm weather and swimmers which stirs up the lake bottom,” said Blair Stewart, parks services manager.
READ MORE: Water quality advisory issued for Kelowna’s Rotary Beach
When E. coli levels are high and above the standard, it creates an increase risk of illness especially amongst young children, seniors and people with weak immune systems.
Beaches in Kelowna are regularly monitored by city staff with help from Interior Health. Sarsons, Hot Sands in City Park, Cedar Creek, Rotary, Tugboat Bay in Waterfront Park, Boyce Gyro and Strathcona are all tested.
The city and IH have listed ways to enhance the water quality at Kelowna beaches:
- Do not feed the birds.
- Do not take your pet to the beach; dogs are only permitted at the Cedar Creek Park, Lake Avenue, Poplar Point and Kerry Park splash beaches.
- Do not litter – dispose of all waste in garbage cans.
- Change diapered children frequently in the bathroom, not at the beach.
- Dispose of boat sewage in onshore sanitary facilities.
- Wash your hands with soap and water after using the toilet or after changing diapers.
- If you have diarrhea please do not swim.
- Call 71-PARKS if you see something that needs our attention.
More information can be found at kelowna.ca/parks.
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