Caledonia Secondary School Principal Keith Axelson presents the Governor General’s Academic Medal to Sydney Webb. (Submitted Photo/Robin MacLeod)

Sydney Webb wins 2020 Governor General’s Academic Medal

Webb is studying nursing at the Univeristy of Northern British Columbia

  • Nov. 24, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Sydney Webb is Caledonia Secondary School’s 2020 recipient of the Governor General’s Academic Medal, awarded to the top graduating student at each high school in Canada.

Webb graduated in June, achieving a 95.27 per cent average in Grade 11 and 12. She is now pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing at the University of Northern British Columbia.

Lord Dufferin, Canada’s third Governor General, created the academic medals in 1873. The medals are awarded annually to the student graduating with the highest average from a high school as well as approved college or university programs.

The medal features an image of Canada’s current Governor General, Julie Payette, on one side and her coat of arms on the other. It is presented with a personalized certificate signed by the Governor General.

Past winners of the Governor General’s Academic Medal include former Prime Ministers Pierre Trudeau and Kim Campbell, and Premiers Tommy Douglas, Robert Bourassa and Robert Stanfield.

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