Telkwa Village Office sign. (Marisca Bakker photo)

Telkwa Village Office sign. (Marisca Bakker photo)

Telkwa talks trees

Village to apply for grant money through BC Hydro to pay for new trees to be planted by the cemetery

The Village of Telkwa is hoping to get some trees from BC Hydro.

At the Jan. 28 regular council meeting, councillors voted in favour of applying for a grant from the Community ReGreening Program through BC Hydro, in partnership with Tree Canada.

The program is intended for small scale community projects that enhance urban open space, restore lands to a green state and beautify parks and outdoor recreation areas.

“We are continuing on with the program that we’ve undertaken over the last three years,” said director of operations Gordon Davies. “This year’s project is proposed to be up at the Telkwa cemetery again. This year we would be proposing to provide boundary trees between Telkwa High Road and the cemetery.”

In 2017, the Village was given money to help pay for 12 ornamental crab apple trees and six maple trees that were planted along Highway 16 to increase tree density. In 2018, the village used funds to plant a spruce grove at the Flag Pole Park so the park could be used to display Christmas lights and in 2019 grant money was awarded for the village to plant trees along the southern property line of the Telkwa Cemetery.

In a report to council, Davies wrote the 2020 tree planting project, if approved, would complete the boundary beautification at the Telkwa Cemetery. A total of ten trees would create a visual boundary between Telkwa High Road and the cemetery. The proposed budget for the project is $5,900 which also includes in-kind labour and equipment.

Smithers Interior News