A temporary replacement traffic signal controller is now in place at the Old Island Highway and Comox Road intersection.

A temporary replacement traffic signal controller is now in place at the Old Island Highway and Comox Road intersection.

Temporary traffic controller in place at Courtenay intersection

A vehicle accident at the Old Island Highway and Comox Road on the weekend severely damaged the traffic signal controller for the intersection. The controller was destroyed beyond repair.

  • Jul. 8, 2020 12:00 a.m.

A vehicle accident at the Old Island Highway and Comox Road on the weekend severely damaged the traffic signal controller for the intersection. The controller was destroyed beyond repair.

A temporary replacement traffic signal controller is now in place, with some limitations:

•The temporary controller cannot connect to the underground roadway sensors, and will not detect actual vehicles on the roadway;

•The traffic signals will be on a timer, allowing vehicles and pedestrians to pass through the intersection from each direction;

•As the controller is not connected to the sensors, and will rely entirely on the timer, commuters on the Old Island Highway may see the signals change from green to red, even though there may be no vehicles waiting to turn left from Comox Road onto the Old Island Highway/5th Street.

•Public Works will monitor traffic flow through the intersection and may adjust the traffic signal timing as needed.

A permanent replacement has been ordered; however this is a specialized, custom product. The City expects the new controller to be delivered by late August or early September, and will install it as soon as possible. The City thanks the public for understanding while it awaits a permanent fix for these unanticipated repairs.

Comox Valley Record