The Salvation Army in Williams Lake receives food from the The Point Restaurant after Chances Signal Point gaming centre closed this week. (Angie Mindus photo - Williams Lake Tribune)

The Salvation Army in Williams Lake receives food from the The Point Restaurant after Chances Signal Point gaming centre closed this week. (Angie Mindus photo - Williams Lake Tribune)

The Point restaurant donates all perishables to Salvation Army food bank

"Anything from our restaurant that won't keep, we're donating."

While casinos in B.C. closed at 11:59 p.m. Monday, March 16 to help curb the spread of COVID-19, Chances Signal Point Gaming Centre and The Point Restaurant staff were busy Tuesday ensuring all perishables foods didn’t go to waste.

Dale Todorowich, events manager for Signal Point Gaming, said they were donating all perishables to the Salvation Army Food Bank Tuesday afternoon.

Read More: City hall closed in Williams Lake because of concerns around COVID-19

“Anything from our restaurant that won’t keep, we’re donating,” Todorowich said.

For the past month staff have also been conducting a food drive, and collected $1,000 in food and cash which was also recently donated to the local food bank.

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Williams Lake Tribune