Thinking about running for office? Show up and get the facts

Local Government Week is the backdrop for Comox Valley local government-sponsored free information session for those considering running for local government in the civic elections this fall.

Local Government Week is the backdrop for Comox Valley local government-sponsored free information session for those considering running for local government in the civic elections this fall.

The Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD), the City of Courtenay, the Town of Comox and the Village of Cumberland have joined forces to bring Dr Gordon McIntosh, president of the Local Government Leadership (LGL) Institute, to our community to help potential candidates learn some of the basics about being an elected official, so they can make an informed decision about running for public office.

Dr. McIntosh has 33 years of executive, consultant and educator roles and has conducted 900 sessions involving 110,000 elected and appointed civic leaders throughout Canada and overseas.

The session will cover the role of local governments in the region, who does what regarding elected officials and the government administration, and what a candidate should take into consideration before deciding whether to run.

The session can be considered a potential candidate’s “101 class,” and would also be of interest to those in the Comox Valley with an interest in local government and who want to have a better understanding of “how it works.”

The session will be held May 19 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the CVRD boardroom at 600 Comox Rd. in Courtenay. It is free, but space is limited so pre-registration is required by e-mailing by May 16.

May 16 to 22 is this year’s Local Government Week, a partnership of the Union of BC Municipalities, the Local Government Management Association, the Ministry of Community and Rural Development and the Ministry of Education.

It’s an ongoing initiative to generate awareness and educate the public about the roles and responsibilities of local government, and to encourage the public to participate in local government processes, including voting in local elections.

— Comox Valley Regional District

Comox Valley Record