Lake City Secondary School’s Williams Lake Campus (Angie Mindus photo - Williams Lake Tribune)

Third COVID-19 positive case confirmed at Lake City Secondary School, Williams Lake Campus

Person is at home, self-isolating

A third COVID-19 exposure at the Williams Lake high school has been announced by School District 27 (SD27).

In a letter penned to parents Friday afternoon, Dec. 11, 2020, Superintendent Chris van der Mark said the individual was present on the school campus Dec. 2 to 4.

As with the other announcements, van der Mark said the person did not have any symptoms at that time; they became sick following school activities and sought testing immediately and followed the school safety protocols. To protect the privacy of the individual affected, van der Mark noted he will not be providing any additional details.

“We are supporting Interior Health Authority as they undertake contact tracing to determine if any other members of our school community were in contact with the person who tested positive for COVID-19, and if any additional steps are required.”

Currently six students have been asked to self-isolate in relation to this exposure.

This latest confirmed case marks the third announcement regarding COVID at the high school in just over three weeks. The first announcement involved two confirmed cases which considered one exposure, the second announced came Monday, Dec. 7 and now this confirmed case.

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Williams Lake Tribune