The Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine (RDKS) ended its precautionary boil water advisory for Thornhill on Dec. 31.
The RDKS first issued the advisory on Dec. 14, when laboratory tests indicated the presence of total coliform bacteria in drinking water, which may have indicated that disease-causing microorganisms are present.
Since Dec. 14, the regional district has flushed distribution systems and and disinfected the main water storage facilities. Multiple lab tests are no longer indicating presence of the bacteria. The RDKS says it will continue to monitor water quality weekly and is investigating the cause of the incident with Northern Health.
The RDKS recommends people in Thornhill flush their water pipes and faucets for five minutes, starting with the faucet highest in the home or building, including removing and cleaning faucet screens if possible.
The RDKS says appliances that use water like coffee makers, and refrigerators that have a water or ice dispenser be flushed and cleaned.
READ MORE: RDKS issued boil water advisory for Thornhill
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