Victoria Police Department in action downtown. Nicole Crescenzi/Victoria News

Victoria Police Department in action downtown. Nicole Crescenzi/Victoria News

Thursday roadblocks in Victoria net three impaired drivers

July impaired total hits 21; multiple others ticketed for having no license, no valid insurance

Nearly two dozen people have been ticketed by Victoria police or had licenses suspended as a result of impaired driving this month.

Last night’s CounterAttack roadblocks netted three drivers for impaired driving, bringing the total up to 21 since July 1. Two whose breath samples were in the “warn” level were given immediate roadside prohibitions and suspended for three days, while one was a Novice driver, the conditions for whom include zero consumption of alcohol. That driver received a 12-hour suspension, a fine and a mandatory administrative review by the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles.

All three vehicles were impounded and towed.

Officers issued 14 violation tickets in all, impounded one vehicle and handed out three written warnings Thursday night. A number of people were found driving without their license – one person was determined to have been driving 13 years without a valid license and also had their “unsafe” vehicle towed – while four had no valid insurance.

ICBC road safety and community co-ordinator Colleen Woodger, who was onsite with a crashed vehicle display, said in a release that the roadblocks are not all about enforcement.

“Our message to people last night was, ‘Don’t wreck your summer,'” she said. “If you plan to drink, plan a ride home. Take transit, take a cab, use a designated driver, use a dial-a-driver service, even call a tow truck. There’s no excuse for driving impaired.”

Drivers can expect to find future roadblocks this summer, although clearly, no advance warning will be given.

Victoria News