Cassandra Enns, an environmental services technologist with the TNRD, talks during a workshop on garbage and recycling held at Dutch Lake Community Centre on Nov. 27.Photo by Keith McNeill

Cassandra Enns, an environmental services technologist with the TNRD, talks during a workshop on garbage and recycling held at Dutch Lake Community Centre on Nov. 27.Photo by Keith McNeill

TNRD talking trash

Regional district seeks input on proposed solid waste management plan

By Keith McNeill

Thompson-Nicola Regional District more than doubled its target to reduce trash going into its landfills under its most recent solid waste management plan.

The goal was a 30 per cent reduction. The actual figure is now 60 per cent, according to Cassandra Enns, an environmental services technologist with the TNRD.

“Way to go team,” she said during a public consultation meeting on the TNRD’s proposed new solid waste management plan held Nov. 27 at Dutch Lake Community Centre.

Despite the good results, the regional district still produces more trash on a per capita basis than the provincial average.

The goal of the new management plan is to reduce the amount of solid waste by another 20 per cent.

“We’re looking for your input,” Enns said. “Where would our efforts produce the most results?”

There are eight landfills within the TNRD, six of them within 30 km of Kamloops.

Most other regional districts make do with just a few, she said.

READ MORE: TNRD closing Barriere and Clearwater landfills (2012)

Some initiatives that are being looked at include fees on waste from buildings being taken down that would encourage deconstruction rather than demolition.

Possibly dumping bans could be phased in on such things as recyclable paper and metal.

Such things as disposal fees on new tires work well, making the tire industry responsible for recycling and reusing. Possibly the TNRD could lobby to have the approach expanded to other items.

The TNRD will continue to fight illegal dumping. Quite often people dump items that they could get paid for bringing in.

The 2018 Regional Solid Waste Management Plan will provide guidance for the handling of municipal solid waste (garbage and recycling) throughout the TNRD for the next 10 years.

A short survey is available at, any TNRD solid waste facility, TNRD library, or the District of Clearwater office.

Prizes for participating are a $100 gift card and a home composting kit.


Clearwater Times