Updates to the nearly 40-year-old facility included modernizing and upgrading the aquatic area, change rooms, lobby and mechanical and filtration systems. (THE NEWS – files)New Maple Ridge Leisure Centre opens its doors this summer. (THE NEWS/files)

Updates to the nearly 40-year-old facility included modernizing and upgrading the aquatic area, change rooms, lobby and mechanical and filtration systems. (THE NEWS – files)New Maple Ridge Leisure Centre opens its doors this summer. (THE NEWS/files)

Top Stories 2019: Maple Ridge pool getting ready to re-open after two years

The facility has been closed for nearly two years

  • Dec. 28, 2019 12:00 a.m.

After being shut down for nearly two years, the Maple Ridge Leisure Centre finally has a scheduled re-opening date.

“Feb. 3 is going to be our soft opening, if everything goes as planned,” said Christa Balatti, recreation manager of health and wellness for the City of Maple Ridge.

READ MORE: Maple Ridge pool renovations pushed back until 2020

In the summer, the city announced that the re-opening of the Leisure Centre would be delayed due to structural issues discovered during renovations.

“As part of the work to install a new overhead door, rust was discovered on a structural support column in the original part of the facility,” explained Valoree Richmond, acting director of parks and facilities.

“The structural engineering firm brought in to examine all similar support columns recommended that 11 columns be partially or wholly replaced … This column repair work did impact the schedule.”

The cost of the repair work is covered within the project contingency, Richmond added.

The renovation is contracted to cost just over $11.5 million.

The renovation will enter the final phase of the project on Jan. 3, when staff will begin commissioning, training and workspace preparation, according to the city’s website.

“Commissioning is the process where all systems and sequences of operation are tested, proven and documented to ensure the new areas of the building perform as intended,” the website states.

READ MORE: Contingency fund will be used as Maple Ridge Leisure Centre faces another delay

When the pool area first closed on March 26, 2018, it was estimated renovations would take 13 months to complete.

Updates to the nearly 40-year-old facility included modernizing and upgrading the aquatic area, change rooms, lobby and mechanical and filtration systems.

@JotiGrewal_joti.grewal@blackpress.ca Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

Maple Ridge News