The Town of Golden will be opening public parks, with some restrictions, prior to the long weekend. (Town of Golden)

The Town of Golden will be opening public parks, with some restrictions, prior to the long weekend. (Town of Golden)

Town of Golden to begin re-opening parks

The re-opening is in line with B.C.'s program for re-opening the province

  • May. 15, 2020 12:00 a.m.

In alignment with BC’s Restart Plan, Golden’s Town Council has given the go-ahead for the re-opening of select outdoor parks and recreation spaces before the May long weekend.

As of Friday, May 15, the tennis courts, disc golf course and the Golden Freeride Park will be open to the public, with restrictions.

Playground equipment, the outdoor gym and the spray park will remain closed to reduce the potential for COVID-19 transmission.

The town has developed guidelines in accordance with provincial health orders and recommendations that must be followed at all town parks, which will be posted at each location. Thse locations will be subject to closure if guidelines are not adhered to.

“There will be lots of recreation activities to take part in while staying close to home, and safe, this May long weekend in Golden,” said Manager of Recreation Services, Jordan Petrovics. “But it’s important that we all do our part and follow the guidelines to make sure we not only keep recreation spaces open and available, but we keep our community safe and healthy.”

Some of the general guidelines for all parks and recreation areas to follow include practicing physical distancing and avoiding group gatherings.

The town also encourages residents to stay home if they’re sick or showing any symptoms.

As parks start to re-open, it’s important to limit touching benches, trash cans or other hard surfaces. Skip the high-fives, handshakes and fist bumps and find alternate ways to celebrate withoutcontact.

Guidelines specifically for the tennis courts include limiting play to singles tennis and only playing doubles with partners from the same household. It’s encouraged to not share equipment, including balls.

There will be a 12 person limit within the fenced boundary.

For the freeride/skate park, keep your distance and rotate off of the concrete if you are not skating/riding. The park is limited to six skaters/riders at the park at all times.

It’s encouraged to keep your hands as clean as possible and to skate and ride safely to avoid causing injury.

For the pump rack, rotate off of the track when you are not riding and take breaks in the green space off the track.

The track is limited to six people at a time.

Disc golfers are required to bring their own equipment and to keep their distance from other players and to play solo or with members of your household as much as possible. Limit group size to two people per hole.

“A lot of us live in Golden because of the amazing outdoor activities and amenities that we have access in our community,” said Chief Administrative Officer, Jon Wilsgard. “Dr. Bonnie Henry, our Provincial Health Officer, has stated time and time again, get outside, get some fresh air, stay active but do so in a responsible way, and we are doing everything we can do to support that message.”

Residents are reminded to remain vigilant by continuing to practice good hygiene, staying home when sick, minimizing non-essential travel, maintaining physical distancing and staying informed, prepared and following public health advice.

At this time the Town of Golden is working closely with partners from the Government of BC, BC Recreation and Parks Association, Sport BC and the Lifesaving Society as they outline technical requirements and operational direction for the opening of the Golden Swimming Pool, Mount 7 Rec Plex and the potential for additional recreation programs.

At this time the potential re-opening of these facilities is undetermined. More information can be found on the Town of Golden website.

Golden Star