The North Island Trail Riders (NITR) got their wish — the Town of Port McNeill has agreed to donate some cedar logs to help fix up trail structures/bridges on local trails.
Back on Aug. 9, The NITR sent a small donation request to the town asking for 8-12 cedar logs that were recently cut from town land near the Port McNeill hospital.
Port McNeill council noted at their Aug. 20 meeting the logs might be getting used in the garden on Campbell Way, but they would have Public Works Foreman Julian Allen look into the issue and see if they would have any logs left over for the NITR to use.
At council’s Sept. 4 meeting, Coun. Shelley Downey confirmed Allen will be meeting with the NITR to donate some logs that the town were able to give.
“You can expect to see some trails around town spruced up,” said Downey with a smile.
“It was nice to get something approved without council or public works making things overly complicated,” stated Derek Koel, NITR’s spokesperson. “And I appreciated councillor Downey acknowledging the use and value of our local trail system. We’re looking forward to upgrading trail structures for the community with the communities’ wood!”