The Town of Qualicum Beach is seeking proposals for leasing the west bay of the former fire hall.
The old fire hall currently houses Cloudhead Games and Island SodaWorks Bistro. The latter currently occupies the west bay.
The lease, according to a request for proposals (RFP) from the town, would be for a maximum of 36 months and wouldn’t begin any sooner than June 1, 2018.
“Specifically the town is looking for tenants that would use their time in this location to grow their business and/or social enterprise.”
Planning director Luke Sales said the proposals will be evalutated for their compatibility with existing town plans, priorities and guidelines.
“The town’s looking for things that are going to benefit the general community.”
The town isn’t seeking permanent residents at this time.
Proposals should include a proposed use; proposed length of tenure (maximum 36 months, beginning no sooner than June 1); proposed lease rate; experience and qualifications of the proponent and its personnel who will be involved in the project; and references if applicable.
For more information, or to submit the RFP, people can contact the town’s deputy corporate administrator Haylee Gould at or at PO Box 130, Qualicum Beach, V9K 1S7.
The RFP can be emailed to Gould, or two printed copies can be submitted by 4 p.m. Monday, April 16. To find out more about the RFP, visit