The city asks drivers to follow traffic control measures and to watch for working crews. Image: City of Trail

Traffic delays expected in Trail Gulch next week

Crews will be repairing manholes along Rossland Avenue

Commuters in Trail and the Greater Area are being given the heads up to plan for traffic delays on Rossland Avenue next week.

The city is repairing manholes along the main roadway through the Trail Gulch on Monday, July 12, and Tuesday, July 13.

Utility crews will be working along Rossland Avenue from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. those two days.

Traffic control personnel will be on-site to direct motorists through single-lane traffic.

The city asks drivers to follow all traffic control measures, and watch for crews and equipment.

Questions should be directed to City of Trail public works at 250.364.0840 or via email:

Trail Daily Times