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Trail council greenlights contracts

Trail city council Governance and Operations Committee briefs

Members of Trail council met to take care of city business in a governance meeting on July 20.

As part of the municipal budget, Trail city council approved a 2020 Capital Pavement Program contract, awarding it to Selkirk Pavement Ltd. for just over $337,000.

The tender came in over the $300,000 budget due to costs associated with micro-surfacing, which is a specialized treatment that requires a subcontractor.

In the long term, however, public works reported that it is more economical as it seals the existing roadway, extending the life of the infrastructure, rather than requiring a full asphalt replacement.

Council also dealt with a Trail Regional Airport report about a replacement back-up runway sweeper.

Airport manager Robert Baker sourced out a deal from Team Eagle for a used sweeper for $50,000, about 15 percent below asking price, and well below the $85,000 budgeted for the sweeper.

The sweeper is a 1996 M-B TOWGA 3616 with 2,400 hours of use, or the equivalent of about 100 hours of use per year, which Baker said is very low.

Team Eagle is reportedly the largest seller of airport equipment in Canada. The company is one of the only suppliers in North America, and is the maker of the Trail airport’s front line sweeper.

Another contract considered and awarded was for a pair of sanitary sewer pumps for Robertson St. Lift Station and the Sunningdale Lift Station from CHAMCO Industries Ltd.

Since taking over the lift stations from the regional district in 2019, the city determined that the lift stations were in need of repair.

The city spent $42,000 on the Robertson St. pump, which fits within the $112,000 budget for upgrades.

Another $37,000 will go towards the Sunningdale lift station upgrades.

Finally, council approved the purchase of two Chevrolet 2500 series 4×4 pickup trucks from Champion Chevrolet for just over $94,000.

The two new vehicles will replace the aging 2007 Dodge 1500 series trucks used by the city carpenters.

Related read: Trail council reconvenes in-council meetings

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