Janya cut off her long locks and is sending her ponytail to Angel Hair for Kids, where her hair will be fashioned into a wig for a child experiencing hair loss. Photo: Submitted

Trail student cuts off her ponytail to help Angel Hair for Kids

Jayna and her classmates also raised $281 for the children's cause

With a few snips Jayna Hammond cut her beautiful long locks to the nape of her neck on the weekend.

Why did the Grade 1 student decide to go from long and flowing to short and sassy for the summer?

Before Jayna’s cut.

The answer is that Jayna is thinking of other children.

Her long ponytail is being sent to A Child’s Voice Foundation, so their Angel Hair For Kids program can fashion a wig, or one-of-a-kind hair piece, for a child in need.

Jayna’s short ‘do. Photo: Submitted

“We all have gifts to share with others,” Jayna’s mom, Lisa Hammond, said. “One of Jayna’s gifts is her beautiful hair, which is why she is donating it to Angel Hair for Kids. They make wigs for children who are experiencing hair loss for a variety of reasons,” Lisa said.

“Jayna has friends and family members who have also donated hair in the past to various causes.”

Organized by St. Michael’s Catholic School teacher, Mrs. Orr, Jayna and her classmates also raised $281 to go towards the cause.

“Way to go, Jayna,” Mrs. Orr cheered.

Jayna’s ponytail she’s donating nears 14 inches! Photo: Submitted

Angel Hair For Kids

Every year thousands of Canadian children lose their hair to cancer treatments, alopecia and other medical causes. Angel Hair For Kids believes the act of providing a wig or hair loss solution will help a child’s self-esteem and confidence during a difficult time in their young lives.

Founded in 2002 by Roslyn Yearwood and Amalia Ruggiero, this special program is unlike any other and is the only one of its kind in Canada. Each Angel Hair For Kids recipient is given a personal appointment at a salon that specializes in wigs and hair loss.

Using hair and financial contributions donated to the program, Angel Hair For Kids provides wigs and hair systems to recipients at no cost to the child’s family. It typically takes between 10 and 12 donated ponytails and $2,000 to sponsor one Angel Hair For Kids child.

With care and compassion the experts walk the child and their family through the process of selecting a wig or hair loss solution that meets their needs. Once selected, the hair prosthesis is fitted and styled especially for that child, making it their very own.

There are certain guidelines for donated hair, however.

Those include: a minimum length of 12 inches is required; hair that is slightly coloured or grey is acceptable, though perms and bleached hair is not; hair cut years ago is usable if it has been stored in a braided ponytail; hair that is shaved off, or swept off the floor, and not in a braided ponytail, is not usable; dreadlocks, wigs, falls, hair extensions and synthetic hair is not accepted.

For more information visit A Child’s Voice Foundation: acvf.ca and click the Angel Hair For Kids link.

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