Pitt Meadows residents wary of upcoming summer road construction can rest assured it will have positive repercussions.
As part of the 2021 capitol works program, traffic calming and active transportation improvements are planned for multiple locations across the city.
Crossing improvements are planned for six locations in the city.
South Alouette bridge, Silver bridge, Wildwood Crescent, Ford Road, Airport Way/ Baynes Road, and 192A Street/ Davison Road.
READ MORE: Traffic calming coming to Park Road corridor in Pitt Meadows
READ MORE: Pitt neighbourhood wants speed humps
Cross walks and curb extensions will be placed at McMyn Road, an extension of the center median on Harris Road will be built, and cyclist activated push buttons will be installed at Harris Rd and 122 Avenue, Harris Road and 124 Avenue, as well as Hammond Road and Blakely Road..
As a result of some of the changes, new parking restrictions will be implemented on Wildwood Crescent, McMyn Road and Park Road.
While the restrictions may be minimal, impacted residents will be notified in advance.
Work is beginning the week of May 17, and is expected to continue until mid-July.
Have a story tip? Email: ronan.p.odoherty@blackpress.ca