Two impaired drivers posed risk to themselves and others: Kimberley RCMP

One man was passed out in his vehicle near the Kimberley RCMP station

Two impaired drivers posed risk to themselves and others: Kimberley RCMP

Kimberley RCMP Sgt. Chris Newel says that two impaired drivers removed from the road in the last few days posed a “significant risk to themselves and others”.

READ MORE: Kimberley RCMP apprehend three impaired drivers

READ MORE: Early morning impaired driver in Kimberley

Newel reports that in the first instance, on September 7, 2019, the man didn’t even know what town he was in.

“Police received a report of a driver passed out near the police station in Kimberley,” wrote in a press release. “When officers attended they found the vehicle running, the signal light on and the driver passed out in the driver’s seat. While attempting to rouse him they noted strong signs of alcohol consumption. When they asked for his driver’s license he produced a completing different card. When asked where he was going, he said “Invermere”. When asked where he lived in replied, ” Invermere, just a few blocks away”. He had no idea he was on a residential street in Kimberley. Two breath samples were obtained, both a “Fail”. He is now prohibited from driving for 90 days and his vehicle has been impounded for thirty days.”

The second incident occurred on Highway 95A between Kimberley and Marysville, near the Forest Crowne entrance. The driver was caught speeding, Newel reports. She was stopped doing 124 kph in the 80 zone.

“While dealing with the driver the officer noted signs of alcohol consumption. Two breath samples were obtained, both a Fail. She is now prohibited from driving for 90 days and the vehicle has been impounded for thirty days. In addition to the impaired driving sanctions, she received a ticket for excessive speed. Since the driver was already suspended from driving she now has a court date in November.

The consequences of these drivers’ actions could have been far worse, Newel says.

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