A COVID-19 outbreak at Vernon's Heritage Square long-term care home has claimed seven people. (Jennifer Smith - Morning Star)

Two more COVID-19 deaths at Vernon care home

Heritage Square has now lost seven people due to the outbreak

The death toll at a local long-term care home has grown.

Two more people have died at Heritage Square in Vernon, Interior Health reported Friday, Jan. 15.

“Sadly, Interior Health is finishing the week by reporting that another two people have died due to COVID-19. Both people passed away in long-term care, bringing the total number of families in IH who have lost loved ones to this pandemic to 46,” IH president and CEO Susan Brown said.

The number of cases at Heritage has also grown to 58 – 44 residents and 14 staff. It’s an increase from 52 two days ago.

Noric House long-term care cases have also risen to 40 – 24 residents and 16 staff – up from 37 cases reported Jan. 13.

The number of cases at Creekside Landing has risen to 25 – 12 residents, 13 staff and one death. An increase from 16.

“As COVID-19 cases rise throughout the southern Interior, we must redouble our efforts to prevent ongoing spread in the community,” Brown said. “It is so important to follow the public health guidance that helps keep you and your loved ones safe from COVID-19: keep to your household bubble, stay home when you are sick, practise physical distancing, wear a mask and wash your hands often.”

READ MORE: COVID death at Vernon care home

READ MORE: 13 more cases of COVID-19 linked to Big White cluster

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Vernon Morning Star