(Haida Gwaii Observer file photo)

(Haida Gwaii Observer file photo)

Two resignations lead to call for nominations in CHN by-elections

Call for nominations are open until mid-January

  • Jan. 8, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The Council of the Haida Nation will be holding by-elections following resignations for the current term.

Elected representative for T’agwan (Vancouver), Tarah Samuels, stepped down from her position to return home to G̱aw Tlagee (Old Massett). Representative Lawrence Jones, Old Massett, also resigned in late 2019 leaving vacancies in both regions.

Elections will be held on Feb. 1 from 9 a.m.-9 p.m. with poll locations in Old Massett and Vancouver to fill one seat in both regions respectively.

Nomination period began earlier this week and will remain open until Jan. 18 at 4:30 p.m.

Nomination forms are available on the Council of the Haida Nation’s website, their offices in G̱aw Tlagee and HlG̱aagilda (Skidegate), and upon request from the head electoral officer, Kim Gladstone.

Nominations may be submitted to the head electoral officer in person, by e-mail, or by facsimile.

Candidates require two nominators, and all Haida Citizens of voting age (16+) are eligible to nominate or accept a nomination to be a candidate.

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Jenna Cocullo | Journalist

Jenna Cocullo 

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