Allan Amundson, owner of Winmar Kootenay, presents a cheque to Serry Sopkow and Julie Gort from the Elk Valley Hospital. (Photo Submitted)

Allan Amundson, owner of Winmar Kootenay, presents a cheque to Serry Sopkow and Julie Gort from the Elk Valley Hospital. (Photo Submitted)

Ultrasound fundraiser crosses finish line

EKFH ultrasound campaign raises $300,000 in under two months

  • Oct. 6, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The Beneath the Surface campaign has hit its $300,000 goal following a final $25,000 donation from an anonymous member of the community.

Having launched the campaign on Aug. 12 to raise funds for an ultrasound service in the Elk Valley, the East Kootenay Foundation for Health’s (EFKH) fundraising campaign crossed the line a little under two months from launch.

“My heart is full because I can’t believe how quickly it went, especially in times of COVID-19 when some people are struggling and they’re still able to give,” said Brenna Baker, executive director of the EKFH.

“Even if they gave $10, we were so grateful for every donation big or small. And to see so many people jump on board and support–the people here are so giving.”

According to Baker, donations from over 150 businesses and individuals from all over the world ranged between $5 to to $50,000.

“Ninety-eight percent of the people who have donated are new donors to the foundation… So hopefully we can continue a partnership with these folks and improve healthcare throughout the whole of the Elk Valley, including Elkford and Sparwood.”

“It’s been neat to see all these businesses that have come forward to help support this great cause,” said Baker.

“We are so grateful to the Elk Valley community, the support, and the people getting the word out.”

Orders for the ultrasound machine and associated equipment are currently being processed, and renovations to the ultrasound room are underway.

According to Baker, the Elk Valley Hospital hopes to have the ultrasound service up and running by January 2021 at the latest.

“Rural health is so important to myself as well as the foundation… All of these smaller centres are really important to us, we really want to get them up to date with what they need so the ultrasound was a big one, it’s been a long time in the works.”

For more information and updates on the EKFH’s new projects, visit

READ MORE: Teck backs EKFH campaign to raise $300,000 for ultrasound service in Elk Valley

Fernie Free Press