Conservation Officer Services
The Golden B.C. Conservation Officer Service had approximately 30 calls for service during the past week.
Water vessels not stopping for inspection
A number of the calls were in response to vehicles transporting water vessels into B.C. without stopping at the aquatic invasive species inspection station. They are required to stop and be inspected in order to ensure they are not transporting quagga mussels and other invasive species that could contaminate lakes in the area. At least two violation tickets were issued for failing to stop and be inspected. This results in a $345 fine.
People dumping waste on Crown land
Conservation officers also responded to an incident of people dumping waste on crown land, leaving food unattended at a campground (which is a bear attractant), and open liquor in a vehicle.
Black bear euthanized at Cedar Lake
In terms of wildlife conflict, a large black bear boar was euthanized after his third incident getting into human food and displaying aggressive behaviour towards campers at Cedar Lake.
The campers did nothing wrong,” explained officer Dan Bartol. “He had received food rewards on two previous occasions and in this incident he chased them away from their picnic table to get at their food.”
Bear proof bins not properly locked
Another black bear got into a garbage bin that was not properly secured. The resident had a bear-proof bin but only locked one side, allowing the bear access to the garbage inside. Enforcement action was issued. The fine amount for attracting dangerous wildlife is a minimum $230 for a first offence but could result in court appearance and a much higher fine amount.
Be aware when using trails around town
Many bears are being reported around town, including on the vast bike trail systems. People are encouraged to be bear aware, carry bear spray, and learn what to do in case of unwelcome interactions with bears. Residents are reminded to ensure their garbage is properly stored and that bear proof bins are locked on both sides. The less attractants available to bears, the less interactions there will be in town.
Fire Services responds to vehicle rollover
On May 30 the Golden Fire Department responded to a single vehicle rollover motor vehicle incident 22 km south of Golden. The sole occupant sustained minor injuries. “Our crews ensured all fire and life safety hazards were mitigated,” fire Chief Dave Balding said.
Alarms activated at the hospital
On May 31 the fire department responded to alarms activated at the Golden General Hospital. On scene investigation showed the alarms were due to a pull station activated.
Hand gets trapped in dump truck
The Golden Fire Department answered a call for a person with a hand trapped in a dump truck on 11th Ave. N. on June 1.
B.C. Ambulance had the patient in their care by the time the fire department arrived.
Hot brakes ignites semi truck
On June 1 a call was responded to for a vehicle fire on the Trans Canada Highway. The tractor trailer in question reportedly had hot brakes; further inspection showed no signs of fire.
The Golden Fire Department encourages everyone to report emergencies to 911, but reminds people to remain the scene. The caller provides can be valuable in the situation.