Children wait using physical distancing after getting their pictures taken at picture day at St. Barnabas Catholic School during the COVID-19 pandemic in Scarborough, Ont., on Tuesday, October 27, 2020. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Nathan Denette

Update: COVID-19 cases confirmed at more Kelowna schools

Interior Health announced a case has been confirmed at Chute Lake Elementary

  • Dec. 4, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Update: 5:14 p.m.

SD23 has further announced another case of COVID-19 at Bankhead Elementary School.

According to the school district, the individual from the school community tested positive for the virus, and is self-isolating at home with support from local public health teams.

Interior Health will be following up with anyone potentially exposed to a confirmed case directly through contact tracing.

Update: 4:10 p.m.

SD23 announced two more schools have had COVID-19 exposures.

Okanagan Mission Secondary and A. S. Matheson Elementary School both have a member of the school community with the virus.

They are now isolating at home. IH will follow up with anyone who might have been exposed to the virus directly as they work on contact tracing.

The school district reminds staff and students that if you are feeling unwell and showing COVID-19 symptoms, you should stay home.


There are two new cases of COVID-19 at two Central Okanagan schools.

Chute Lake Elementary School has joined the list of Kelowna-area schools with confirmed COVID-19 cases, while the Central Okanagan School District (SD23) confirmed another case of the virus at Canyon Falls Middle School.

SD23 and Interior Health (IH) announced a case has been confirmed within the school community on Friday, Dec. 4.

SD23 staff said the individuals are now self-isolating at home with help from local public health teams.

Just on Thursday, Dec. 3, SD23 announced that the health authority confirmed cases of the virus in Rutland Senior Secondary, École Casorso Elementary School, Watson Road Elementary School, and KLO Middle School.

READ: COVID-19 cases on several Kelowna flights

Twila Amato
Video journalist, Black Press Okanagan

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