An air ambulance hovers over Harrison Hot Springs as medics responded to reports of a two-year-old drowning in a hot tub on Thursday (July 1). (Photo/Caprice Schweda)

UPDATE: Full recovery expected for Harrison child, 2, who fell into hot tub

Child flown by helicopter to B.C. Children's Hospital

  • Jul. 2, 2021 12:00 a.m.

A toddler who fell into a hot tub in Harrison Hot Springs is expected to be all right.

On the evening of Canada Day, B.C. Emergency Health Service was called to the scene of a possible drowning in the Esplanade Avenue area of Harrison Hot Springs. The child was taken to the Harrison boat launch, and Harrison firefighters and RCMP assisted in creating a landing zone. Soon after, the helicopter was on its way to B.C. Children’s Hospital.

“From what I understand, the child will be okay,” said Agassiz RCMP spokesperson Sgt. Mike Sargent.

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