The BC Wildfire map showing two fires currently burning in the South Okanagan. The single red dot west of Penticton is known as the Shatford Creek wildfire. (BC Wildfire graphic)

The BC Wildfire map showing two fires currently burning in the South Okanagan. The single red dot west of Penticton is known as the Shatford Creek wildfire. (BC Wildfire graphic)

Update: Small South Okanagan wildfire under control

BC Wildfire said the Shatford Creek wildfire, near Penticton, is an estimated 100 square metres

  • May. 15, 2019 12:00 a.m.

Update 10:32 a.m.

BC Wildfire said the Shatford Creek wildfire was deemed under control this morning.

“We do not have crews on the ground any longer. They will be patrolling the area at some point and make sure there are no hotspots. Once that happens they will officially call it out at that point,” said Nicole Bonnett, fire information officer.


A small fire, believed to be human caused, was discovered just west of Penticton on Tuesday.

BC Wildfire said the Shatford Creek wildfire is an estimated 100 square metres (0.01 hectares) at this time and is located approximately 15 kilometres west of Penticton.

BC Wildfire said they have a small crew of firefighters on scene at this time.

This story will be updated with more information as it becomes available.

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