Multiple crashes are keeping emergency crews busy on North Okanagan roads Friday, Oct. 23. (Vernon North Okanagan RCMP photo)

Multiple crashes are keeping emergency crews busy on North Okanagan roads Friday, Oct. 23. (Vernon North Okanagan RCMP photo)

UPDATE: Vernon motorists winter driving skills rusty

First snowfall sees numerous accidents, yet people still not driving to conditions

The first dump of snow has sent motorists sliding all over area roads.

“We’ve had a busy morning responding to multiple collisions throughout the North Okanagan,” RCMP report. “Please slow down! Give road maintenance crews, tow operators, and emergency responders room to work safely.”

Rusty winter driving skills are apparent as emergency crews are noticing many people are not driving to the conditions.

“Our Fire Rescue crews have noticed that while they’ve been on scene, many people are still driving quite fast and failing to slow down,” Vernon communications manager Christy Poirier said. “This is dangerous for our emergency personnel and the public.”

Motorists are asked to “please slow down” and adjust their driving habits to meet road conditions.

“This is particularly important if they are passing motor vehicle incidents,” Poirier said.

Drivers are also reminded to clear their vehicles.

“Get those snow brushes out, you have to be able to see to drive safely,” Vernon North Okanagan RCMP said.

Driving while view is obstructed could cost you $109.

“Save the money, avoid a collision, and clear your windows.”

READ MORE: Snow clearing crews on Vernon roads after first snowfall

Highway alerts are currently in effect for the Coquihalla, Highway 3, Okanagan Connector and Trans-Canada Highway.

READ MORE: Multi-vehicle incident closes Coquihalla in both directions

Environment Canada is calling for snow amounting to five to 10 centimetres today, ending near midnight.

READ MORE: Kelowna airport cancels, delays flights after first snowfall

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Vernon Morning Star