The Regional District of Central Kootenay is receiving $3 million in federal and provincial funding to complete flood hazard assessments.
The federal Ministry of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness announced Thursday the RDCK would receive funding to map 17 high-risk flood hazard areas.
“This mapping will contribute to a better understanding of natural hazards in the area and the staggering cost of responding to these events,” according to the statement.
“This work will ensure surrounding communities are more resilient to flood hazards and will lay the foundation for future land use planning.”
The one-year project, which began May 1, will receive $1.5 million from the federal government and $1.5 million from the province. The RDCK is also adding $60,000.
Sangita Sudan, general manager of development services at the RDCK, said flood mapping hasn’t been updated since the 1990s. The 2012 Johnsons Landing slide that killed four people, she said, highlighted the need for new data.
“The 200-year floodplain has changed or been impacted in some ways through development as well as climate change,” said Sudan. “There’s been a shift in all of these hazard areas that include flood areas. The mapping is intended to update that information.”
Sudan said the project will not only inform future flood management, but also emergency response plans, bylaws and zoning as well as Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure projects.
The project is expected to be completed by March 31, 2020. More details on the specific areas being mapped can be found on the RDCK’s website.
The funding is part of a $15.2-million package from the National Disaster Mitigation Program that will fund 20 projects around B.C.
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