

Vernon bike to work week breaks records

City sees 29 per cent increase in riders over 2017

  • Jul. 9, 2018 12:00 a.m.

Bike to Work and School Week 2018 saw a record number of Vernon residents choose cycling for everyday transportation.

From May 28 – June 3, 1,627 riders made 3,019 trips by bicycle, travelling over 23,000 kilometres and saving 5,006 kilograms of greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs). That is a 29 per cent increase in ridership over 2017.

Many people own bicycles but have not considered using them for daily transportation. The goal of Bike to Work and School Week is to motivate people of all ages to try cycling to work, to school, to go shopping, or out for dinner, and to keep cycling long after the event is over. Provincially, more than 50,000 riders from across B.C. participated in Bike to Work and School Week, cycling a total of 1,452,381 km and saving 314,849 kg of greenhouse gas emissions.

Related: Go By Bike Week good time to talk safety

A total of 223 local teams participated from a variety of sectors including education, health, government, non-profit, industry and the general public. Staff and students from five local elementary and secondary schools participated in Bike to School Week.

Top Workplace Teams:

  • Kal Tire: 55 riders, 1737 km, 377 kg GHGs saved
  • City Hall Velocity: 41 riders, 787 km, 170 kg GHGs saved
  • Tour de Tolko: 17 riders, 653 km, 142 kg GHGs saved

Top Community Teams:

  • Chain Gang Gadabouts (The Newbees): 13 riders, 897 km, 194 kg of GHGs saved
  • Vernon Vortex: 16 riders, 683 km, 148 kg of GHGs saved
  • Fabulous Wheels: 7 riders, 681 km, 148 kg of GHGs saved

Vernon’s top rider was Shaun Roberts of Kal Tire who logged over 262 kilometres. The rider with the most trips logged was the City of Vernon’s Susan Abbott who made 20 trips by bike. The local grand prize, $500 to a bike shop of the winner’s choice, was won by Anne Monteith.

“Bike to Work and School Week would not be possible without the generous support of our community,” the City said in a release. “The City of Vernon would like to thank the over 40 local businesses and organizations that supported Bike to Work and School Week through in-kind contributions and prize donations and all of the Team Leaders who champion cycling in their workplaces, families and social groups.”

Related: Vernon wins commuter challenge

Bike to Work and School Week is organized across British Columbia by GoByBike BC Society. By securing and sharing resources, GoByBike BC helps communities throughout British Columbia deliver successful events that encourage people to use bicycles for everyday transportation. For more information about Bike to Work and School Week visit www.biketowork.ca/north-okanagan.

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Vernon Morning Star