Citizens of Vernon will benefit from the work to redevelop Hurlburt Park, which starts Monday, and will continue until the construction is completed.
The work is expected to be completed in late spring and the plan is to reopen the improved park later this year.
“The park will be completely closed as we work to install parking and other amenities to make Hurlburt Park a jewel among our lakeside parks,” said Victor Cumming, Mayor of Vernon. “We need to do this work so that the park will be ready to welcome visitors later this year and for decades to come.”
RELATED: Vernon’s Hurlburt Park to reopen for summer
Contractors will be on site and starting improvements to Hurlburt Park as of Monday, and the park on Okanagan Lake heading toward Ellison Provincial Park will be closed to all use during construction for the safety of the public and security of the site.
Good progress is expected thanks to the mild winter conditions.
Improvements include paved parking, toilet, picnic tables, plants, foot paths, interpretive signs and a new entrance.
Those wishing to walk the foreshore in the area during construction are invited to use either the improved public lake access at 9744 Delcliffe Road, at the end of the public road, or the lake access at 9689 Eastside Road, south of Hurlburt Park.
RELATED: Park shelter stirs debate
This past summer and fall, visitors were able to park near the entrance off Eastside Road and swim, picnic, and walk the beach.
As of Monday, visitors will not be permitted to park near the entrance or to gain access to the park by land or water for construction site safety reasons.
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